Dream Sequence is a surreal themed mini film created with iPhone and a digital children’s camera. The videos were filmed with green screen and various color backdrops, Polly Pocket toys as set pieces and objects from around my apartment.
This video project was one of my first dives into a fully edited and produced video. I have had experience with video editing and special effects which influenced the creative process of Dream Sequence. My main challenges in creating this video were insecurity and the actual editing process.
I learned a lot about my creation style while making this video. I can recognize a lot of inspiration from artists I admire like Parker Day, Nadia Lee Cohen and Nas Nixx. Bringing to life characters I created in my mind in this time based media vehicle was cathartic in a sense.
Overall, I think the project serves to be a stepping stone towards some further production projects and character based pieces with some of the characters I began to bring to life. I've always held some sort of interest for video editing and directing as someone who grew up in the YouTube generation and enjoys campy, artsy film making. This project showed me just how much fun I could have if I continued to play with some of my more "nonsensical" ideas.